Tuesday, September 22, 2009


In 1947 a stunning discovery was made amoug the paperclips and papers that were sezied after
ww2. The army had taken the spoils of war! In the most amazing eye opener we found the mystery of god.The truth about the human spirit,but it was kept a secert. The paperclip affair
involving German scientist who were given privilaged status beause of the secerts they knew.
The date was acutully 7/11/45 the war was over but among the ruins god was found. The
neuroscientist of germany found that we as humans ARE radio creatures! We transmitt
frequencies and we can be controlled via radio waves. This finding in conjunction with the use
of a cognitive booster(a spiritual amp) they could control humans like robots,a great abuse of the human spirit. Not only was Hitler a great orator filled with distrust and bent on revenge over
ww1 he was homsexual,and had jewish blood. Problem:he denied who he was,and hence he covered his supposed weakness with torture of those who might expose him. It was latter found
that he was a prostitute in his teenage years,and fear of being found out led to the great sufferring
and death. Anyone who has seen films on the holocast knows the horror of those results of supperssion. It's unfortunate that the usa has repeated some of the same mistakes! The syndrome we know as AIDS,was created and deployed because of the secert fear of homosexuals. Our government since Hitler's time have feared and misunderstood the cause of
his depravity and the root cause of his madness,control. I'm afriad we still face some of the same
hate. I speak this because I'm gay. I understand some rejection and hate that
most gays born in the 50s have felt,not accepted as decent humans,when many have displayed overwhelming
hope and faith in mankind even after created illness's like hepetitus b and c let alone the "gay
plauge" I hope we as a group can find forgiveness for the dept.of defense and the public health care system! Through neuroscience and cell signaling technolgy new disease's have been created
to stop the restoration of our rightful place in society,and in history. What's even more disturbing is the creation of more syndromes like P.I. (primary imunodefiency sydrome) to inflict even the unborn and new births with DNA monkey bussiness. They must either be playing god,punishing parents who's dna does not measure up,or for sins they commited. I think
it's a combination of that and golddigging at it's worst. And the latest,H1n1 a novel gene teletransportred via the quantum internet the telecoms won't admit even exists,yet the clouds are gathering,and judgement day is near! The abuse of software designed by IBM. and microsoft
intentionally by direction of the d.o.d. and grouppies like the bilderburgs g7 and the trilateral
commision has led to such horrors because 1. we are overpopulated.2.they thought it would be the safeway to cleanup The dna mess we are in.Its a perverse means of reaching the
millinum. They just can't admit that gay is the way to peace without war,man-made disease
or other self inflicted wounds. It would mean giving up the concept of god and taking responsibility for our"we the pepoles"sins of greed that marraige creates. How could we admit
to such miseducation and teaching in our churches and schools. Money seems the chief or root
cause of such wanton destruction and suicidal behavior. The best way to save oursleves and the planet which we all depend on is to stop creating so much death! The bible says in revelation
to return to your first love. We have fallen away from the truth. The master and johnson studies
of fifties found that most males had sex with another guy FIRST,many of them older guys they
felt safe with,or with relatives they knew. Revelations also state that the chosen would be
virgins to woman,not defiled by sex with a woman. How do you explain that? In genisis chapter 6 "And God was angery with the sons of God for lusting after the daughters of men and marrying them! How do explain overpopulation and the big cities of sodom and gomorrha, we did not create the big cities of sodom and gomorrha with gay angels! Diwindling natural resourses,glo-ball warming, overpopulation, not enough water in the world to burn as fuel and water crops for food,whats going to give.I'm not giving up hope that the truth will go along way correcting our modern ills. If we look at history
we see that the greatest horrors have been commited in the last 300 years as our population
sky-rocketed. Back off us.army you are not US. We are not suicidal,give peace a chance without
all the fake or peudo-quantum science designed to controlthe sex lives of angels, and to make money at the same time. Stop the false guilt trip you must feel yourselfs,remember jealousy
led to the 1stmurder. Adam alert,Abel's danger. Your still paraniod! Wake up,others are waking too. Its not to late. Let's have hope in truthful comunication. Itstime to start talking the truth so that we can live in the truth peacefully! For all the leaves(childern)
on the tree of life. Lets not forget about lions,tigers and bears. Let us take action, only we, the pepole can save our home,the earth, the only blue planet. I don't want to live on the moon and drink my own pee! It's so much nicer here. WE ALL NEED WATER, LETS NOT CREATE THE LAKE OF FIRE FOR A LIQUID FUEL TAX! As Thomas Paine said,have soom common sense!

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