Friday, September 11, 2009

haywire cleo the twisted helix ATT +dna

At 8.17 am. sept.11 2009 I sit and ponder the cause of the attacks 8 yrs ago. I realize that
most if not all blame must be placed at the foot of the pentagon. It is hard as An American
to admit that such a highly orchestrated attack would come from us, but the tech.that was used
was from home. In 1947 the paperclip group of scientist's from germany revealed that
human thought could be captured via telecommnication tech. and also a system could be used to
download intell. artifically into human to directly control them. That was the birth of A.I. and
human robotics in america. That program was in full development by 1953. I call it the 53
'Truman' plan. The buck stops there for the roots of sept. 11,2001 attacks. In following the development of the computer program called catalina and now called avalon computer system
it must be stressed that greed and the lust to control people is squarely behind it. The
perverse need,combined with the compelte sucess of the system made it difficult to stop.
But stop it we must. 11 main electrical pathways are used to hi-jack human 'aircraft'. This is
the great achievement of us. reasearch and development teams payed by darpa, the dod.
With great sadness and anger we must confront what is concidered by the pentagon
the milliunum plan, and put to rest the human spiritaul slavery that has us by the throat.
The army has a god complex of global extant,it might be temping to play god but witness
911 and understand the fatal flaw in elevating a computer program to the most high position.
remember that humans program computers. The main element that is used for robotics is
hemogolbin,iron rich cells that are highley mag-net-ic and can be controled by external
electromag-net-ic forces some of which are rather weak but very presise. Ma Bells
really bad breath from the dept,of energy and hence the DOD. are rasing cain as it were.
The manufacture of virtual particals has e-nabled Fermi labs to create a false spirit or many
false cognitions resulting in mayhem and madness, A.I. ,human robotics and science at the lowest point
morally,ethically,and yes spiritually. Stupid is much to kind. Well so much for compliments.
REMEMBER E-911 2001

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