Friday, September 11, 2009


water we take it oh so for ganted. Some times we fail to appricate the simple things that with-

them we suddenly realize how important they are. NASA seems to know, why else would the

next trip to the lunar surface revolve around the search for water. What do you think NASA is

trying to say? Either its suggesting we need to colonize the moon, or just trying to stay

employed. More grants from 'we the people'. To me,and I bet most folks with some common

sense would rather have our money spent more wisely. The world is the only blue planet.

blue because of h2O. We as humans and all other life forms require water. Even computers

would not survive without humans to mess up the programing. Do we belive that computers

will save the world, that's ludacris. Only conservation which takes place when an accurate

perception of reality is understood and taught,will we save ourselves from destroying

whats left of the blue planet. What is stopping common sense? It must be the economy,

which spins around consumuption of vast portions of everything we can sell. The hall-

mark of success is a fat wallet and not much else matters. Our fat wallet theory of life

is lacking in perceptive. In america family,fortune,fun,and sometimes fame are the

only rule except maybe taxes.
The world has bent under pressure of materailism,

money is the spin that makes us lose a grip on sanity. A cash induced psychosis has

infected even the most common sense person. This almost incurable syndrome is

spun around the concept of marrige, yes a construct, meaning its a man made idea.

It's only when disaster strikes that we can pull back a bit and realize we are finite.

On this aniversray of 9/11/01 lets take a moment to remember,not just that tragic day,

but what's important every day. Is money,politics,control,our 'system' more profitable

than sanity? At what cost are we willing sacrifice the potential future survial of the earth?

I'm sure I'm sounding a little dramatic,but was not 9/11/2001 dramatic enough!

For me peace of mind,living with concern about the future,and not being fatalistic realizing

we are responsible for what is taking place in the man made construct,the world. I still

have hope that truthful informantion can stem the tide of insanity. Unfortuntly the last 150

years does not reinforce my faith. Modern life has been the most violent period in history.

Our deadend sense of the value of life in general has led to more death than ever.The methods

of abuse are hidden in the missuse of quantum technolgy. Enter 911/2001 a testament

to government abuse of human commnications. This abuse stems directly from secracy as

to the vary nature of life. When the facts are known, the truth revealed, we will over-

come ignorance,distrust,fear and counterintelligece to transend our traditional concept

of the world as we know it now. The hunger and thirist of mankind will only be quenched

by understanding the truth of reality as is,not as it's portaryed . That's the hope I have!

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