Friday, September 18, 2009


FRaud in the us. goes back along time, on the west coast the example that most reflects the
modern government use of it is the story of JAMES LICK. The regents of The University of ca.
defrauded james lick of his fortune because he was gay and had no living realitive. They created
a fake son to lie about his father. I belive the masons were also involved in the fraud. How can we trust the Regents of the uc. system when they are clearly behind this massive fraud. The same can be said about microsoft and the democrats re:the massive fraud reveloving around the missing PaulG.Allen. Why did Allen split from microsoft in the first place? Why is microsoft
covering up what happened with their Vulcan capital,is that not the same name as paul g. allens
cop. vulcan northwest? Why would microsoft use the same name if they are seperate co?
I belive Allen has been dead for some time and replaced with a look-a-like double that had plastic surgery and liposuction in an attempt to cover up a cell signal murder of the real Paul g.Allen. the look a likes name is bernard anthony mosset Which Allen has been dead since 1995!
Whos going to stand up to this largest fraud of all time,except for the election of 2008! We are at a crossroad in history, if we let such things take place and do nothing we are assuring that much worst will be done. I"m trying to explain what I know,but need help with details. Any help will be appreciated, please only real names in corespondance. James Lick died in 1876. the state
of washington and again the regents at both the cal. system and the university of wa. are guilty
of massive fraud. When will it end?S ome traditions need to to be stopped! In closing I would like
to mention one other interesting fact. At the University of Washingtons Paul G.Allens center
for computer science is a dedication plauge which state that Paul g. Allen was the visionary of
the building and dream of Ai. but was fullfilled by Microsoft and the bill and melinda gates foundtion. If Paul was still alive ,would not he not be the fullfiller of his own dream?

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