Monday, September 21, 2009

microsoft the modern vampire

Just finished an entry into my blog that was much to kind. It's time to pull the gloves off and expose the beast for what it is. The building of virtual private networks smacks of elitism and
outright discrimination. How can we have peace if a virtual adviser that is preprogramed to
follow us in the grocery store to help us decide what brands to buy.It's on the edge of 666 !
The human brain/computer interface of A.I. needs careful examination! Remember strong A.I.=
robotics, human robotics. The mark of the beast will be externally monitored Via radio Identifaction Tags,tags such as food additives or other nanoparticals identifing us through our DNA.code. If you don't meet standards you and I will just be eliminated through the computerized natural selection proccess.Those of us who contributes economically to the worlds destruction will survive as robotic radio controlled slaves to the new world order. So much for
the idea of independance or liberty as individuals. I despise the word conspiricy, but it fits!
Why should we be like sheep to the slaughter? If the infomantion age is to succeed we need the truth spoken and written so that the masses of common people have a voice. This will take place
as comprehension of quantam realilty sinks in. It's time to get our heads out of the clouds and speak the truth so others can enjoy the benifit of living a truth filled life.

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