Monday, September 21, 2009

open blue skies,the dream of radio freedom

it seems to me that with radio band width being sold off by the fcc,that little is left for individual
freedom in the range of natural human radio transmission frequencies. Why should gaint corperations like microsoft control vital frequenceies other than to control the natural comminaction network we know as the human intranet. By control being given to co
like minisoft the govern. is delegating the new mega spy network to one monoply. The idea of virtualization of the human cloud computing network we humans are looked at as nothing but
a utility, a comodity to be traded on Our infomation both public and private is been
sold or traded to public agencies in return companys are granted the right to spy on the public
endlessly as in the case of microsoft and their software monoply that grants them exclusive
domanance to partner with co. like 3M to totally record our every move and thought. "My Life Bits" is such a program. virtualization of human "machines" is the goal of our government. Why else would microsoft be allowed even to explore and experiment on human subects. Humans
are radio/HD/TV beings,neuroscience has proved this. I'm concerned that our whole system of laws and consitution is being tossed aside in favor of total survaillance. I.m not talking si-fi 20
years from now,it's happening now . I'm a victim of such harrassment and intimadation, hopefully as only a demonstration of the extent modern tech.can invade a peaceful life and wreck
havoc in everyday living. May we move forward with more dignity and respect for the individual than what I've experinced as a guina pig for Minisoft!

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