Monday, September 21, 2009


THE FREEDOM OF INFOMATION ACT OF 1966 as we know it is supposed to allow normal
citizens acess to government files or infomation. WE as americans expect the government that
we the people pay for ,to be accountable for their(the governments actions). It's only common sense to wonder how our money is being spent! WE have the right to know how poorly our money is spent. Anyway back to the modernization of the FOIA. It's been modified in such a
manner that the government is using it to mine massive amounts of data from our personal
computers (our cognition,our brains). Its the freedom of infomation act right ,good for the whole
government,that our personaql lives are laid bare for the government to exploit for either
econmoic or for security reasons .They have taken liberty with our privicy and in doing so have
destroyed the 4th and 5th amendments to the consitution. The consitution is just a shell of what
we think it stands for.The cloud computing schemes of the government allow it free acess, to personal info,
of course what pepole don't know can't hurt them,right? The next step after all things are known by the WE THE PEPOLE (part of our government) is to implment Rule by AI.,cordinating or a more politically correct term is snychronization of all our daily affairs,of course for maximum economic benifit. That leaves a lot of room for manipulation because we all
don't belive the same as to the importance of money or other standards wether religious or
nonreligious in nature. Judging us from behind secert ai.findings,through our own eyes, condeming us because we don't meet economic standards is akin to secert police(which we have
become ourselves reporting with out pay or premission). WHAT A TWISTED MESS.The freedom of info act.Think twice about all encompassing clouds from god watching over US, not them. What do you think we the people would say to such total survaillance as is described
in microsofts "My Life Bits" aka.3M medical records. FORGET IT!

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