Monday, September 21, 2009

North Creek Interceptor/ Water for All?

We need all the rain inorder to have as many trees as possible to migatate global warming
caused by man's insatible need for endess constuction, to support a neverending growing
population. Trees and plants are a vital link in the earth's hydrolic cycle. They humidify the
atmosphere,in doing so help cool it. So why in the great envirormental state of washington
are they building a pipeline,with amazing grading around all construction in the north creek area
to intercept as much rainwater? Answer: is to burn the water in a hydrogen power project to
destroy the hydralic cycle and make a hugh amount of money,without reguards to the long term
effect it will have on the world-wide water supply. A sipp here, a sipp there and all of a sudden
we have a hugh defecit in the water balance,much like the the federal monetary defecit. This loss of water will never be replaced. So much for a hydrogen project that would replace oil as a source
for energy in the future. Realistic developement of energy sources should exclude the deceptive
dream of hydrogen as the future energy source. Yes it may burn clean,in the fusion cell technolgy it burns cleanly but, the water is forever gone. A fusion project here in washington
will affect the hydrolic cylcyle around the country where rainfall is much less. Do you think
the midwest states or states like Arizona,New Mexico, Colorado and California can afford less rainfall?
Even the idea of burning the affuent from sewage projects like brightwater would cause a irreversable change in the water cycle. Choose blue,a blue planet. Rather than a lake of fire plan
called hydrogen. BRIGHTWATER. How do you make water bright? You either burn it or you place RFID. devices in it,to spy on people, neither are bright at all! Greedy yes, but at what cost?
Your childern's future! The future of the blue planet is at stake!

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