Thursday, September 17, 2009

amazons got clouds coming

The popular website is host to cloud computing systems that act as reporting
agents to a super computer that is interacting with masses of human being without consent!
The use of these clouds is a unsoliceted undisclosed missuse of a illegal human powered search
enigine ,an abuse of privacy and the 4th and 5th amendments. Not only are they abusing privacy rights ,they are trading our personal information to police groups who are manipulating
events and human interactions in negative way, even to the point of phyisical abuse. Is this the
police force of the future where we as indivduals are used to report and punishs each other as
we are being watched on-line live in some sick game. Is this the best use of artifical intelligence
produced by the army they can come up with? THe use of cloud computing is nothing but using
our brains,without consent to mold and spy on our lives and I don't care who is doing it,it is all authorized by the us.government! Who gave amazon the right to use our personal computer(our brains)as a massive parralell computer thourgh the ATL atlas protocal. Jeff Bezeo is a bozo
no no.

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