Thursday, September 17, 2009


The use of cognitive and reality therapy is something I have experinced myself at the U.W./
harborveiw medical center in seattle wa. The use of missuse of the human network by the state
of washington for drug treatment is outrageous,Quantrum manipulations of realitity=abuse!
I have been a victim of such abuse, but I have surivied,many others have not. I feel compelled
to speak out so others may avoid such abuse. The oath that the medical profession takes is 'TO DO NO HARM' that should also apply to our police dept. TO DO NO HARM! I evidence that Im
going to save for court! It looks like court is the only langauge they understand! THe university
of washington is involved in massive human rights abuse stemming from the missuse of AI. in illegal human experiments. Most of their reasearch is done seceretly "online",without discloser.
Lets be aware that currant disclouser froms don't cover what they are really doing, therefore its not true disclosuer at all! Therefore informed consent is NOT BEING GIVEN. Their (U.W.)
consent form was missleading in the very least and represents fraud in the counciling field.
There is your reality thearpy for billions of dollars being misspent to abuse us with,by the state
of washington!

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