Friday, September 18, 2009


The F.I.OA. the freedom of infomation act as amended by clinton in 1993 allowed the government the unrestricted access to americans personal info via. cognitive radio, in other words tresspassing on our cognition,our very thoughts. How american is the idea that the government has the right and aceess to our very thoughts? Under the constitution and the bill of rights americans have a right to privacy, let alone the right to be free from unreasonable search
and seizure of our persons, should that not include our cognition,let alone our physical being.
I ask should not our cognition, our intellectual property be also protected by the 4th and 5th amendments to our constitution from telecomunication modes that enable illegal
search and seizure? They(the telecoms)have the technolgy along with computer gaints like microsoft who are assisting in the smash and grabb mentallity of the hopitals and government agencies. The missuse and abuse of neuroscience being commited by our government must be made known to the masses in order for it stop. It Lead Directly to E911/2001 sept.11 2001. Free to take because "we just say so" or
"DON'T ASK DON'T TELL", the defintion of conspircy in a nutshell. Is that related to the ACORN
group,of radical muslims in this country,who president B.O.grew up in? Behind 911 is a dark cloud of evil communication set up by clinton in 1993. The abuse of A.I. Led to 911/2001!
Freedom to take nearly 3000 lives in one day! THAT is not my country ,nor are the democrats
my party!

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