Monday, September 21, 2009


The last entery into the blogosphere was about global warming and our lack of understanding
of the water cycle. I want to give credit for much of my thinking to a man named Ron Ace. This
man's sereach for the truth is a tribute that many universities should value more, an independent contribution that is scoffed at. The simple fact that there is billions less trees than two-hunderd years ago is testament enough that loss of habitat for earth's humidifers(trees) is
a direct factor in gobal warming. I hope today's academina nuts take the truth a little more seriously. Loss of habitat ,forests and open prarrie land are leading contributors to global
warming. The more people we have on earth,the less chance we have as surviving as a speices,and even less chance for a myriad of other speices. Let's not be so selfish as humans!
Tax revenue is not more important than survival! Survival with a few other speices we value!
I geuss that means the ones we like to eat!

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