Friday, October 2, 2009


The hospital we know as Virgina Mason is one of those Archstones that seem to lacking in american liberty,lacking transparency and I guess like most for profit healthcare real truthfulness. This seems to be the same for all of them.
I asked the same question re: C.T. scans A scan without contrast shows little brain structure at all. P.E.T scans are much more useful.
I have
talked to several people who's loved ones needed C.T.scans and they all said a contrast agent is needed to produce useful images! Why do we trust our health to such ill informed "caregivers"?
Sure the people may be nice,but just me the truth. Standard healthcare is just not up to date. What is known by our universities and other institutions is generally not being transfered very rapidly,if at all. With the human genome decoded, and protein pathways mapped ,ion channels,
and routes for other chemicals we all need traced, much can be done,but it won't be because
prevention is not as profitable as placebos and other tried an "true" treatments that have become
standard fare as to be easy to bill. We are "computer" controlled beings,electro-chemical-magnetic
beings. The computer is our cognition,our brains, which controls naturally our bodies. If our brain and brainwaves are functioning well,our bodies are well. We need the least amount of outside "negative"feedback such as R.N.A.i The idea that all illness stems in part from "bad"
D.N.A. is absurd. Just a few thoughts,we need truthful transmission of honest information within to be healthy ,as with the news,accurate perception and reproduction is vital. Our brains act as
signal control centers,accurate signals,plus accurate reception=health. It's now possible to keep our brains functioning well using external radio waves,but fear of A.I. out of control and a remote controlled life is a bit to much like what is really happening,we just have not sensed it. The frequencies humans are sensitive too are not talked about,why? Fear. May the truth push aside our misconceptions,poor teaching,and outright love of profit.

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