Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Crash

I have been writing for some time on the modern take of society and have come to some conclusions. For one, things are not as they appeaqr to be. For example the security of your private medical reords. The state of Washington has played fast and loose with my personal,medical info,including my sexual infomation, giving or selling my daily info to possilbly hundreds of other bussiness around the world including police depts. They(meaning harborview medicalcenter/university of washington,the state of washington)has not fullfilled Hippa or any thingt close to it. People need to be aware that signing any release of infomation is not a good idea without an explanation from a lawyer. Most people are unaware just how invasive medical observation or survaillance is. It is an all encompassing invasion of youir privacy which does not stop when you leave the hospital or clinic and you must notify them of your rights in writting .
A letter of revocation,rescinding authorization to collect,transmit, use your personal,medical info. such as sexaul behavior with third parties is neccesary inorder for a person to have privacy even in your own home. The audacity,the liecence,the freedom to take what americans concider sacred is repugnet to me . The authorities are stomping on the consitution and the bill of rights like it dosen't matter! All for a person never charged,nor convicted of any crime.